Thursday, August 13, 2009

Entertainment Weekly:A Look Inside Interview

Nice! MTV shares an excerpt from the upcoming double issue of Entertainment Weekly, which places Stewart and Lautner on the cover, while revealing secrets from the New Moon set inside.
  • In the interview, Stewart said she loves Lautner and that their relationship is "lamely cute," which Lautner agreed works well for their onscreen chemistry. "It was vital," Lautner said. "Edward and Bella's relationship is so intense, but Jacob and Bella's is very laid-back. Sometimes there's a question of, 'Is it going to go past best friends?' And sometimes it looks like it.

  • "But they are so open, and they can tell each other everything," Lautner continued. "So it was very important for me and Kristen to grow very close before doing this. It wasn't like we went out to, like, theme parks together or anything. It was just, like, going to each other's houses, hanging out, going and getting some dinner. A lot of nothing — just spending time together.

  • "Things got serious for Stewart while she was filming the movie and had to experience the intensity of what it would be like for Bella to be abandoned by Edward. "Before the scene, I was sitting in my car, like, f---ing crying — crying so hard you can't breathe, because I was really overwhelmed and intimidated by the scene. Everyone says, 'She better be able to pull off the emotion in this movie!' And it's such an important moment in the book, when he leaves," she recalled. "I'm thinking, 'We have to be done now. Just tell me we're done.' "

Read the rest here.

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